Dr. Selena became passionate about acupuncture once she received it as treatment for stubborn carpal tunnel syndrome. When faced with the possibility of losing her job (massage therapy at the time) or considering surgery, she chose acupuncture and never looked back. Because of this, she embraces complex conditions and knows, first-hand, the power of this non-surgical solution.
Selena Barbieri (Wooley), AP is a board certified Licensed Acupuncturist through the NCCAOM and the state of Florida. She obtained her Bachelors of Science in Natural Health Sciences and her Masters Degree in Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine with a Chinese Herbal Therapy certificate from Bastyr University, near Seattle, Wa. Her residencies included work in an International Refugee Clinic, the University of Washington Medical Center, and Harborview Medical Center.
Dr. Selena has done extensive and advanced studies in Scar Therapy, Women’s Health, Neuropathy, Facial Rejuvenation Acupuncture, and Chinese Herbal Medicine. Dr. Selena’s mission of helping as many patients as possible get back to living a pain free, independent lifestyle so they can enjoy their families, friends, and hobbies once again is her passion.
When she is not in the clinic, she loves to road trip and discover new adventures and places with her children and her husband. She is currently training for her Black Belt in Taekwondo at a local family martial arts school and appreciates the extra experience she gets in working with martial arts injuries. Selena is also a member of the Orange Park Rotary Club putting volunteer hours back into the very community she lives in and loves so dearly.