Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) can provide a safe, effective, natural, and drug-free approach to reducing the signs of aging. A facial rejuvenation using this ancient technique can improve muscle tone of the face and neck while addressing underlying imbalances that may have contributed to the aging process.
Why does skin sag?
As we create year long patterns of squints, smiles, smirks, and other facial distortions, our muscles hold those patterns and create lines through the fascia (connective tissue) appearing as wrinkles. As our hormones and skin integrity changes over time, our skin thickness, elasticity, and hydration will change as well.
Give your skin a lift
A facial rejuvenation using acupuncture, tightens pores, improves muscle tone and dermal contraction, while enhancing and increasing the elasticity of the skin. Acupuncture can reduce signs of aging by strengthening and stimulating the circulation of blood within the meridian pathways, especially those of the face. You will look and feel more energetic, calm, vibrant and healthy.
Acupuncture treatments may be combined with herbal supplements, exercise and acupressure in order to maximize results.
Facial rejuvenation with acupuncture and TCM is virtually painless, and a non-surgical method to reduce the signs of aging. Before using drugs or surgery to improve appearance, consider acupuncture. It is an effective, natural, safe, drug free and painless alternative. It helps your whole body to look and feel younger.
Self-care techniques:
1) Herbal poultice—Thoroughly clean face. Make a poultice using equal parts of ground organic almonds, lavender and rose flowers, ground flax seeds, and oats. Add water and French clay, and stir into a thick paste. Apply to the face, avoiding the eyes, and let dry. Wash off after 15-20 minutes.
2) Stay hydrated— drink plenty of fresh spring water. This can keep the muscles and skin hydrated to prevent drying.
3) Gently massage the face.
4) Make sure you have a healthy skin care routine involving gentle cleansers, serums, moisturizers, and weekly masks.